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Thread: AP Racing Models

  1. #1
    I noticed when looking at the AP Racing website they do not offer any solid models of thier products. I have created some rough models for overall dimensions and mounting points to make sure the components fit. Has anyone with better modeling experience created any in depth models? I'm most worried with my trunnion balance bar model.
    Brake Team
    Zips Racing
    The University of Akron
    www.zipsracing.com <---- Cool New Website

  2. #2
    I noticed when looking at the AP Racing website they do not offer any solid models of thier products. I have created some rough models for overall dimensions and mounting points to make sure the components fit. Has anyone with better modeling experience created any in depth models? I'm most worried with my trunnion balance bar model.
    Brake Team
    Zips Racing
    The University of Akron
    www.zipsracing.com <---- Cool New Website

  3. #3
    Why not contact them and ask them? I'm sure they can give you something?
    Everthing you want is just outside your comfort zone!

  4. #4
    I contacted AP Racing last year and they do not distribute solid models. Their parts are modelled in SW so using their installation drawings scaled as trace sketches you can get a more accurate shape.
    The important dimensions are those indicated in the drawings. It's the way to go. Gives good enough results for whatever youre going to fit it to.
    Stress Engineer

    Technical Director 2007-2010
    Brakes, Steering & Drivetrain Lead 2007-2010
    Body Subteam Leader 2005-2007
    McGill Racing Team

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." A. Einstein

  5. #5
    Thanks Philippe!
    Brake Team
    Zips Racing
    The University of Akron
    www.zipsracing.com <---- Cool New Website

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