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Thread: ?mpact Attenuator

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  1. #1
    in Formula student rules;
    T3.22.11 Standard Attenuator – An officially approved impact attenuator can be found at http://www.fsaeonline.com.
    Teams may choose to use that style of impact attenuator and need not submit test data with their IAD Report. The other requirements of the IAD Report must still be submitted including, but not limited to, photos of the team’s actual attenuator with evidence that it meets the design criteria given on the website.

    so if we choose impax 700 foam and use appropriate geometry on technical drawing, we don't have to submit dynamic test report. Am I right this topic?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Starkville, MS
    Ask the rules committee.

    That said, if you buy the one that they sell all you have to do is show your receipt at the competition and you are good to go.
    --Dash Robinson
    --Mississippi State University

  3. #3
    Hello, Our team was going to design the impact attenuator initially, Our chassis is almost ready to be welded and the bulkhead size is 300mm x 300mm. We then decided that the standard impact attenuator is a good option due to its low cost due to budget constraints. The standard impact attenuator size is 355.6mm x 300mm (ie 14'' x 12'') at the mounting side. Hence there is an excess of 55/2 mm extending out of our bulkhead. Can i still go ahead and use this standard impact attenuator? Any advice will help.

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