I would like to discuss how you drivers prepare yourself before driving, particularly the endurance event. I'm talking more specifically about preparation the day of the event. What kind of foods you eat for breakfast? Do you get to sleep in a bit more then other team members? How much water do you drink before you hop into the car? etc.
I'm predicting very hot conditions on endurance day in this years FSAE-A competition and if this holds true, driver fitness (and skill!) will be paramount to success. How hard do you guys (and girls) train to achieve a desirable physique for driving these types of cars? Do some teams out there set a minimum standard of fitness before they can be nominated as drivers? Or do you dedicate your engineering designs to accomodate the "regular folk"? (for example, add KPI to make steering lighter but sacrifice on positive camber gain in cornering)
Sorry about the long post about a not-so-engineering topic, but I look forward to seeing your replies on this topic.
Francis (now ex FSAE competitor)