Hey denny, on the management side of the drawings ... how do you spread out the worktask for the drawings? do you have like a CAD group in itself or you have those who are designing their parts, do the drawings?
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Hey denny, on the management side of the drawings ... how do you spread out the worktask for the drawings? do you have like a CAD group in itself or you have those who are designing their parts, do the drawings?
Hey Denny,
After looking closer at your drawings I was very impressed by that shifter handle. Definitly a cool looking design. Also, I was wondering what the little cage around that gas pedal is for?? Don't plan on letting the driver take his foot off ever, or is it just so that he/she can pull the throttle back at whatever rate they choose?
The shifter knob is from Joe's Racing, a local company that's sponsoring us. We couldn't make one much lighter, and it looks awesome, so we went for the "bling bling" this time.
The funny stuff on the pedals is to prevent stuck throttle incidents. You've all seen the pics from VT, and we had a couple of very close calls due to stuck throttles this summer, and another similar event where the driver's braking foot slid over and held his throttle foot down in the braking zone, unbeknownst to himSo, with this system, you can pull back on the throttle, and your left foot is prevented from sliding over and holding down the gas. We came WAY too close to some light poles and the end of the parking lot, which were both far off the intended path of the car
Haven't had an incident since (knock on wood).
Edit: Forgot to answer Rinaz's question.
Each person on the team is responsible for modeling their parts. The tech leaders and a few other people work on the subassemblies, and then I work on the full vehicle assembly. We've finally figured out a system that works using our FTP server; each technigal group (suspension, engine, drivetrain, driver interface, chassis) makes their own subassembly in their own folder, and the full vehicle assembly just looks for their subassembly. So they can make updates, and the next time anyone opens the FVA, they show up automagically. There's still some risk of overwriting files, but that's only at the tech group level, and they should be communicating with each other already. Also, the subassemblies are mated to the FVA by the vehicle coordinate system, with a minimal number of mates between different subassemblies, which tend to blow up if major changes are made.
University of Washington Formula SAE ('98, '99, '03, '04)
[This message was edited by Denny Trimble on March 02, 2004 at 02:29 PM.]
Quote Frank "A question for Pat..
These "drawings" .. I remember people saying DONT use 3D renderings, DO use drafts. Should this be modified to read ONLY use 3D renders if they are good.. otherwise use drafts?"
Hi Frank, normally I prefer drafts because renderings, or screen captures of renderings in low res .jpg format look dreadful and are very difficult for a judge to study, but the object of the exercise is to convey information to the judges as succinctly as possible, and when renderings of the quality of Denny's are used, then I have no problems at all. So, I guess the answer to your question is "Yes".
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Absolutely inspiring. Wish I'd thought of doing that...something for the website I guess. I did give my team captain some hi-res images though, 130 megapixel each.
I was struggling with our Solidworks assembly of only 450 parts. Maybe I have some setting wrong but it'd take like 10 minutes to update drawings or flip from one sheet to another. I can't imagine 2000.
Wow. What sort of rig do you need to handle 2000 components?The P4's at school struggle with 200 parts in CATIA.
École Nationale d'Aérotechnique
To have all the parts resolved, you need 1GB of RAM. We work by suppressing all the subassemblies when we save, so the next person to come along just unsuppresses the areas of interest (i.e. front suspension and frame) and they can work rather quickly. It really slows down when everything's unsuppressed.
Our computer is an Athlon 1800+, and it took about 5 minutes to save each print capture. Just enough to do a couple laps in Gran Turismo on the nearby PS1
University of Washington Formula SAE ('98, '99, '03, '04)
Congratulatios Denny, well done.
It's a pity for us,
we thought we must show only drawings,
so we avoided to use rendered models, that are not so different from the Washinghton ones.
Not so bad, we learned the first lesson
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
some old stuff (2003 car)
(pre- gas shifter)
(old rear uprights)
about 2/3 way through design (1/2 way through construction) at this stage
and some new stuff (2004)
the suspension CAD is my "dumb suspension", that moves around via a spreadsheet
not much final yet, just chassis and suspension geometry
[This message was edited by Frank on March 03, 2004 at 04:36 AM.]
Hi V2,
There is no need for pity
The reason for the drawings is to show the judges the 'togetherness' of your design. Sure, Danny's pix are great, but that alone will not get WWU a win in Design. What those pictures will di is set the judges in a very positive frame of mind about the design.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy