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Thread: Things I love about Formula SAE

  1. #101
    Better yet.

    Going to Advance Auto Parts, saying I need this part. Pulling out a list of cars that have that part. Getting one of the funniest looks ever.

    Buying lawnmower spark plugs for the screw doo-hickey.

    Riding in the trailer. I took car of being the cushion for the car in a crash. I mean, I was making sure the car didn't move.

    MIG welders on 35 Amps. Welding 3/8ths inch steel. Feeling the heat through gloves, a sweatshirt and long sleeve shirt.

    Finding computers to run everything we need.

    Jaying things up.

    Hairing things up.

    Missing a manifold twice with both a AR-15 and a Mossin Agant. (sp?)

    Running the car at 2 in the morning.

    Learning about brake flares.

    Fixing the brake flaring tool.

  2. #102

  3. #103
    -Back to back to back all-nighters
    -Being on a first-name basis with the guy who works overnight at the local Swift Stop
    -Trying to explain what MEK is to Wal-Mart clerks at 3 am, in hopes they just might have some
    -Building your own Solidworks-capable computer lab after the university nazis screw you over
    -Installing 3DMark03 on said hand-me-down computers so you can race them
    -Not flinching when you get burned anymore
    -The smell of sweet sweet Bondo...I can't get enough.
    -Mounting power tools to other power tools to get mad-scientist level material removal rates
    -Building parts for your daily driver in the shop because they are superior, cheaper, and "will only take a couple minutes." Besides, if anyone asks it's a good excuse to "practice machining."
    -Having your friends that are addicted to WOW tell you you spend too much time with Formula
    Dr. Adam Witthauer
    Iowa State University 2002-2013 alum

    Mad Scientist, Gonzo Racewerks Unincorporated, Intl.

  4. #104
    the quotes thread reminded me of another fun pasttime:

    playing everything that's even slightly tubular like a trumpet - exhaust pipes, radiator hoses, the spindle on the lathe, bellcrank pins, fuel rails, 15m of PVC electrical conduit, etc
    Malcolm Graham
    University of Auckland '06-'09

  5. #105
    heh, trying to buying MEK at walmart.. might raise a few red flags

  6. #106
    Running XP password cracks on computers at the shop to gain admin rights. Then telling the computer techs that they didn't come with passwords when we got them. They didn't ask again...

    Also, not necessarily a FSAE thing but general SAE... we are the most hooked up organization on campus. We are on a first name basis with the computer guys, EHS guy (although we don't necessary like him), the secretaries in the Mechanical department and the College, half a dozen professors, and the building manager who will do anything to help us. We have spoken to the president of the University when the Dean of Engineering was giving us the runaround. On top of all that, several of us are in a work-study program with a major corporation that supports our university. We have quite a few contacts in the ME labs for things like laser cutting and rapid prototyping as well as some higher-ups that we can talk to on the rare occasion we need some weight thrown around.

    Doesn't seem too far a fetch that we have a few enemies as well.

  7. #107
    - seeing the car roll for the first time on the afternoon of the car launch 2 weeks before comp
    - taking shifts in pulling an all nighter followed by a night of 5 hours sleep for a week leading up to comp
    - random stupidity and agressiveness from lack of sleep
    - seeing the car move under its own power 2 days before the comp
    - testing the car in a quiet new development at 2am 2 days before comp
    - having a wheel fall off the trailer returning from said testing session and having to hire a box trailer from local servo [edit: at 6am]
    - fixing the broken trailer by chocking up tandem axles with firewood and driving it to truck depot on 3 wheels
    - discovering the gear selector shaft is hollow causing the split pin to leak oil everywhere on the tilt table
    - getting the main hoop extended to meet the helmet clearance rule with our f*cking tall drivers
    - passing noise test first go on 110.0dB
    - spitting a driveshaft out and smashing a tripod on the skid pan in pactise
    - getting to autocross 5min before close and finishing it
    - being black flagged in enduro for compliant suspension mounts
    - the indian cars
    - scissoring a team mate in front of 500+ people at comp
    - the massive sausage fest after party
    - sleeping 11 hours a day for a week after comp
    Curtin Motorsport Team 07-08

  8. #108
    playing everything that's even slightly tubular like a trumpet - exhaust pipes, radiator hoses, the spindle on the lathe, bellcrank pins, fuel rails, 15m of PVC electrical conduit, etc
    I love it, we have to break out the "shop pipes" all the time. The main roll hoop on our '07 car has surprisingly good timbre.

    Such an awesome thread...like 98% of the stuff on here has happened at our shop at some point in time. Sort of weird.

    Also agree with being the most hooked up/hated organization on campus. Lots of people are really cool and helpful, but naturally there are always the worthless fun-hating tools.
    Dr. Adam Witthauer
    Iowa State University 2002-2013 alum

    Mad Scientist, Gonzo Racewerks Unincorporated, Intl.

  9. #109
    working with acetone so much that you start expecting water to evaporate instantly when you wash your hands

  10. #110
    -spending spring fling weekend away from the real entertainment
    -coming back at 2 and police and public safety wonder why you are are drunk (spring fling weekend)
    -people asking about the "Go Kart"
    -turning a brown floor gray with primer, then changing it back with black paint

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