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Thread: Formula SAE Holy Grails

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Palo Alto, CA
    After being a part of this amazing project for 2 years, I've come to realize that there are certain goals that teams can achieve that are very difficult to accomplish. These go beyond winning overall or having the fastest car, but are underlying achievements that I think are incredible.

    -Lightest car ever (Penn/delft)

    -Winning every dynamic event (Stuttgart)

    -Winning design AND cost (RIT)

    -Most horsepower

    -First drivable car (most testing time, Cornell?)

    -4cyl car with 13in rims less than 400lbs, my personal favorite (TUG)

    -Most consistent year to year (UTA?)

    -Biggest comeback after failure (OSU)

    -getting a perfect 150 in design (ETS in '96)

    -Most Lady Gaga played

    I know there's some others, but can't think of them at the moment. The ones posted above are only based on my experience, but I may be wrong on a few of them too. Feel free to chime in!
    Formula SAE: When you just can't get rid of a girlfriend.

  2. #2
    Originally posted by Pennyman:

    -Most Lady Gaga played
    Looking at some of the people on our team... makes me kinda wonder if they single handily give UE this category... seriously tho
    Aces Racing - "I wanna go FAST"
    2011 - Lead Design - Frame and Suspension Lead

  3. #3
    +1 4cyl car with 13in rims less than 400lbs, my personal favorite (TUG)
    Adam Vaughan
    Cooper Union FSAE

  4. #4
    Having a car that survives testing and comp with no problems

    Redback racing UNSW

    Pilot: Mouse in cockpit. Engineers: Cat installed.
    Pilot: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer. Engineers: Took hammer away from midget

  5. #5
    -Most horsepower
    Not quite sure how anyone could really know this...

    -A 4cyl car winning fuel economy (has anyone managed this?)

    -Self developed engine (Western Washington's V8)

    -The perfect 1000pts
    Powertrain Research Student 2010-2013

    Team Principal 2009-2010
    Engine Development 2008-2009
    Brunel Racing

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Simon Dingle:
    -A 4cyl car winning fuel economy (has anyone managed this?)
    FSAE-Italy in 2009 the Top3 cars in fuel were 4cyl engines (Uni Siegen, TU Graz, Uni Stuttgart)

    also in 2008 a 4cyl car won fuel economy there (TU Graz)

  7. #7

    We should go to Italy!
    James Stephens
    Brunel Racing
    2008-2009 Engine Development Engineer
    2009-2010 Powertrain Manager
    2010-?? Mahle Powertrain Graduate Engineer

  8. #8
    -Most horsepower (Helsinki*)

    The graph is defiantly controversial and has some knows holes in the story (the relation of torque and HP is not correct) but its the highest graph I have seen or heard of.


  9. #9
    FSAE-Italy in 2009 the Top3 cars in fuel were 4cyl engines
    Maybe not quite as impressive as I first thought it was...

    James, registration is 3rd of Feb. I'll let Yan know that we need to raise another £7000 :S
    Powertrain Research Student 2010-2013

    Team Principal 2009-2010
    Engine Development 2008-2009
    Brunel Racing

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Behind you
    Originally posted by Simon Dingle:
    -The perfect 1000pts
    This is by far the hardest (duh) because some team will always bring a car with a Briggs motor and wheel from a VW Beetle and set the curve on the cost report.

    I talked to a team in Michigan in 2007 that claimed that their budget was so small, their goal every year was to win cost report. Interesting goal...

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