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Thread: Inexperienced and underperforming teams... how do you plan to improve?

  1. #1

    Inexperienced and underperforming teams... how do you plan to improve?

    To those teams with little experience, and unsatisfactory results at recent competitions:

    What is causing your lack of success? How are you changing your goals/vision for the next season? How can you use the dollars and team members that you have more effectively? How many weeks/months before competition do you plan to finish your car and start testing next season? How will you split your time between learning from/testing the old car, and starting your new design? What new resources do you plan to develop (funding connections, real-world experience at the local autocross, relationships with experienced racers, etc.)?
    Last edited by Composites Guy; 08-25-2019 at 10:26 AM.

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