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Thread: Welcome back FSAE.com! ... But why the lack of discussion?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Melbourne Australia
    G'day Pat and Doug,

    Nice to hear from you both. Yep, I am doing OK, living on a farm in Northern Vic (not far from where FSAE-A gets run these days at Winton - at least, in years it does get run.

    I hope you are both keeping safe and well, and out of the virus's way. Corona - what a tedious car to name a global pandemic after.

    Take care gents.

    Geoff Pearson

    RMIT FSAE 02-04
    Monash FSAE 05
    RMIT FSAE 06-07

    Design it. Build it. Break it.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Buffalo, NY USA
    Hi Geoff,

    OK here near Buffalo/Niagara, at least so far...

    Your memory is good, I'd forgotten Toyota Corona. Drove a well-used example in the 1980s, lots of body roll & pitch, iirc (but the owner said it was very reliable). Later the model was renamed to Camry for US market.

    Best wishes,
    -- Doug

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Melbourne Australia
    Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm still alive and enjoying life. What is happening in FSAE land these days? Are there any competitions running while the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening?

    Would love to hear from any old timers, not so old timers or even some new timers and first timers if there is anyone out there up for a chat.

    cheers all

    Geoff Pearson

    RMIT FSAE 02-04
    Monash FSAE 05
    RMIT FSAE 06-07

    Design it. Build it. Break it.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Buffalo, NY USA
    Hi Geoff,

    Great to hear from you. Other than the ~0.5 meters of snow yesterday, things are fine here in Buffalo. Most of the students have moved to Reddit and there is also a relatively new page of curated articles here, https://www.designjudges.com/

    Here's my take on the first virtual event, http://www.fsae.com/forums/showthrea...Design-Judging
    For a variety of reasons I didn't join the virtual design judging last year, although I heard that it went OK.

    As noted in the sticky, FSAETTC is alive and well. I just had an update from Calspan, they are nearly done with the special setup needed for the small tires and with any luck should be testing in a few hours.

    Best wishes,
    -- Doug

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