Hi Everbody,
This is my first time designing an FS chassis, so I may be making a basic error here.
I've checked the rules and the forums and haven't managed to find a satisfactory answer so any help would be greatly appreciated.
In the 2015 - 2016 FSAE rules, section "T3.3 point l" (page 26) states that triangulation is defined as;
"Node-to-node triangulation – An arrangement of frame members projected onto a plane, where a
co-planar load applied in any direction, at any node, results in only tensile or compressive forces
in the frame members. This is also what is meant by “properly triangulated”.
To me, this means that bars in a chassis can form a rectangle so long as all of the bars are braced so that if a force was applied at any point,
it would be transmitted in tension and compression only. (i.e. no bars in bending).
However, we've had some internal team debating about whether this is unacceptable because it forms a mechanism.
I feel that that would be true in 2D, but in 3D that doesn't apply because the bars can be constrained in different planes.
Below are images of our proposed 2017 chassis. What do you think of the bars attaching to the top of the front roll hoop?
It appears to form a four bar linkage in the side view. Is this allowed by the rules? Is there a rule or a forum I've missed?
Angle 1.jpgLeft.jpg
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post