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Thread: Optimum Working temprature for CBR600f4i

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  1. #1

    Optimum Working temprature for CBR600f4i

    Hi! I have a CBR600f4i engine 2003 model. Recently I took log of engine temperature and found the average temperature to be somewhere around 104deg Celsius(220farhenite). In the middle, spikes of upto 116deg Celsius were also seen. Since we're using only distilled water without any additives(rule requirement), steam must be flowing within the circuit. I would just like to know that whether it is safe to run engine under these conditions? And if not, what else can be done to get the engine temperature under control.

    Any kind of help would be appretiated.!

    Thanks in advance.!

  2. #2
    Why would you say there must be steam in the circuit?
    Kettering University Vehicle Dynamics
    Formula SAE 2010 - 2015
    Clean Snowmobile Powertrain 2012 - 2015

    Boogityland 2015 - Present

  3. #3
    The fluid reservoir needs to be refilled after every run. Perhaps water in form of steam escapes through reservoir.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mohammad Saad View Post
    The fluid reservoir needs to be refilled after every run. Perhaps water in form of steam escapes through reservoir.
    You have a problem then. You could have a blown headgasket causing an internal water loss, or your radiator cap may not be working as it should. I have the radiator cap overflow hose running all the way down inside the overflow bottle (as it is in Toyotas and other cars).
    That way the engine can suck water back in and top itself up.
    University of Tasmania (UTAS)

  5. #5
    I think the inlet temperature to engine is about 85 degrees and outlet is 95 degrees for CBR600.

    How did you get the (104,116) degrees? did you measure it? if so under what conditions?

  6. #6
    Engine coolant temperature sensor gave me the readings. The temperature was measured after normal running of the car.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mohammad Saad View Post
    Hi! I have a CBR600f4i engine 2003 model. Recently I took log of engine temperature and found the average temperature to be somewhere around 104deg Celsius(220farhenite). In the middle, spikes of upto 116deg Celsius were also seen. Since we're using only distilled water without any additives(rule requirement), steam must be flowing within the circuit. I would just like to know that whether it is safe to run engine under these conditions? And if not, what else can be done to get the engine temperature under control.

    Any kind of help would be appretiated.!

    Thanks in advance.!
    A normal radiator cap will release at ~1 bar. So, the cooling system pressure will be regulated to ~1 bar gauge, as the water is heated and expands the pressure will rise and the cap will release the excess water into the overflow bottle.

    This is significant because the pressure in the system when hot will always be higher than atmospheric. At 200 kPa abs pressure (1 bar + 1 bar atmospheric), the boiling point of water is ~121 deg C, which is above the 116deg C you are seeing. Thus, no boiling and no steam.

    I don't think you have any problem at 116 deg C. It sounds like the system is working fine.
    Andrew Palardy
    Kettering University - Computer Engineering, FSAE, Clean Snowmobile Challenge
    Williams International - Commercial Turbofan Controls and Accessories

    "Sometimes, the elegant implementation is a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a framework. Just a function." ~ John Carmack

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" ~Arthur C. Clarke

  8. #8
    Thanks for the response. Now i know this must not be a steam problem. Even if it's fine to run engine under such conditions, i would like to get it under 100deg celcius. If you have anything to help with, it would be highly appretiated.

  9. #9

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