I am disappointed but not surprised at the lack of response, comments or interest in the steering compliance results posted here by Vishnu. (Commendable job, BTW, and very brave to reveal your data and model coefficients). I mean, of course, the form, traits, values and character of the test results.
No response because the hunch I have has the probability of being 100% correct. You see, chances are good that there are no regular members here who have any ideas on what to do with this information. It's simple, really, the books, the forums, the papers and the plethora of software(s) have no "window" to acknowledge, accept, and incorporate this compliance effect. Words like "tire stiffness", "bump steer" (really when you do the bump???) are apparently the only real and necessary factors which influence vehicle dynamics expectations and results. Right ? Gotta have that "load transfer" and "TLLTD" vernacular probably, too.
So, what's the Big Deal about this data and information? Where does it come from, why is it so important (BTW: it's VERY important no matter how many g's you are pulling). what are the manifestations and infestations of it, how do you incorporate it into simulation tools and how may have it contributed to this being a "winning" car ? (They said it was a winner).
Anybody still awake? Can we read your take on this information, how should it get used and evaluated, why is it so important, and what did it do for this car (if anything) ? No further points for absent answers from the Soprano Prima Donnas. Let's discuss vehicle dynamics instead of wheel studs vs. nuts, dental floss for carbon fibre wings or what kind of wax to use for that 4th decimal place aero drag coefficient. Jump into the TTC Forum if you feel its necessary to continue...