Enf is the symbolic name for front aligning torque compliance steer on some planets: 'E' = steer, 'N' is aligning moment, 'F' as in front.
So, put your car on grease plates, lock the steering wheel in the straight ahead position very firmly, take your torque wrench and a precision protractor, measure and record road wheel angle vs. moment for a series of readings at say 5 or 10 Nm increments up to 10 or so readings in both directions. We would normally do both wheels at the same time on a K&C machine, but wtf, do it one wheel at a time.
Using Matlab, fit a log function to the data and scaled so that parameter 'A' is the initial slope, and parameter 'B' is the 63% moment value to the final limiting steer level. Change some parts (wheel bearing, steering gear preload, steering gear mount type, column configuration, etc.) and show us the pltted results and a table pf the 'A' and 'B' coefficients. Yeah, you can do this in Excel, but that's for accountants.
Nice little project to be greatly valued by all on this Forum. Then try it at a few different steer angles. This experiment is usually the beginning of Reality Checking.