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Thread: Regarding brake encoder and double TPSs rules

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  1. #1

    Question Regarding brake encoder and double TPSs rules

    This is Mohamed aboelfadl the electronics guy from Cairo university

    I have been reading the rules several times to clear those points but unfortunately I couldn't.

    The first point regarding ( IC1.14 Brake System Encoder – BSE) Should all the teams implement the encoder ? or team using electronic throttle only ?
    And if the rule is applicable to all the teams what is the function of the encoder ?

    The second point regarding ( IC1.12.2 At least two separate sensors have to be used as TPSs. In the case of the TPSs, they can share the same supply lines.)
    Is the rule applicable to all teams also ?

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by M.Aboelfadl; 02-04-2015 at 11:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Hey Mohame,

    both rules are for teams which want to use electronic throttle.
    When you want to use a mechanical actuated throttle you only need one TPS with 2 springs which postpone the throttle to starting position.

  3. #3
    Thanks Mr.Ben (Y)

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