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  1. This is becoming tedious, but one more time......

    This is becoming tedious, but one more time...


    1. For the record, the first subject of the Trivium (ie. the really easy stuff) was Grammar. Your grasp of such is poor. At the...
  2. Danny, If you want the above quote to sound...


    If you want the above quote to sound like well-reasoned engineering analysis, and not just marketing BS, then please tell us about all the ChassisSim users who lose races. No need to give...
  3. Rory, Thanks for the link. It explains much. ...


    Thanks for the link. It explains much.

    It seems that "Verification & Validation" are two relatively new buzzwords that entered the Engineering arena in the last generation or so (~20+...
  4. Huh??? It seems that "validate" is THE...


    It seems that "validate" is THE buzzword to drop these days, if you want to sound really professional.

    Can anyone out there please explain to this old dinosaur what the word means? In an...
  5. Bill, Yes, the driver was drifting ... off to...

    Bill, Yes, the driver was drifting ... off to sleep. Fortunately there was no passenger, because that's where the gum tree ended up!

    Honestly, the thickest sheet-metal on these modern cars is...
  6. I fully agree with Bill, Tim, and CWA here. ...

    I fully agree with Bill, Tim, and CWA here.

    Although last year I did see a car that had a significantly different Yaw-rate, front-to-rear, but only for a short time. The poor thing must have been...
  7. MCoach, This is exactly the sort of mistaken...


    This is exactly the sort of mistaken thinking I want to address.

    Assuming "reasonably rigid bodies", which is a reasonable assumption in most VD, the Yaw-rate (= "rotational velocity")...
  8. Bill, Or not...? :) I am preparing some...


    Or not...? :)

    I am preparing some sketches/posts on this subject (= transient lateral accelerations) and will post them on the "MMM" thread. But still a few weeks away (other stuff to...
  9. I, too, fully agree that structural compliances...

    I, too, fully agree that structural compliances should play a much greater part in VD simulations than is currently the case (ie. in some of the Simulators mentioned here).

    But, big question...
  10. Danny, Given that this thread is an...


    Given that this thread is an advertisement for your wares (namely racecar-consultant, software-guru, etc.), I suggest you think more carefully before pressing "Submit". Your last post on...
  11. Goost, The point is, Kinematically speaking...


    The point is, Kinematically speaking (and for a "half-car", etc.), "roll-angle" and "heave" are DEPENDENT VARIABLES on the "two wheel displacements" (as pointed out by Flight909).

  12. exFSAE, As a word of warning, whenever Danny...


    As a word of warning, whenever Danny starts his reply to you with "My friend...", I suggest you brace yourself for the inevitable tsunami of BS coming your way! :)

  13. Tim, I have had a quick look through the MMM...


    I have had a quick look through the MMM section in RCVD to remind myself about this stuff. (Doug, if anything wrong below, then please correct.)

    1. It seems that this MMM approach is quite...
  14. Tim, Not enough time for details, but I agree...


    Not enough time for details, but I agree with your above quote. With the low speeds and constant changes of direction in FSAE I reckon a car could be highly UNstable, but nevertheless be...
  15. Tim, Oops! Yes, I worded that poorly (should...


    Oops! Yes, I worded that poorly (should have checked my definitions!). I have editted my above posts to make more sense.

    Also, I prefer to think in terms of unsteady conditions. So if a...
  16. Danny, The large moments about the CG from the...


    The large moments about the CG from the front and rear tyre forces largely cancel out (hopefully!), leaving only the small moment of the resultant force from all four tyres multiplied by...
  17. Of the above two posts (Bill's and Danny's), I...

    Of the above two posts (Bill's and Danny's), I feel Bill's is closer to the truth, but I don't know by how much.

    So, for any FSAE-VDer's who might be interested...

    Under/oversteer can be...
Results 1 to 17 of 17