
Type: Posts; User: BillCobb

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  1. Validation, Verification, Vindication

    I don't want to hijack Danny's thread, but a professional discussion on validation of FSAE car subsystem designs is long overdue. I'd suggest a new thread to handle the traffic on this subject, but...
  2. Correlation

    The Vehicle Dynamics industry recognized method for correlating simulation to test is via open loop tests to establish steady state gains, response times, natural frequencies and damping in the...
  3. Gyro. Its a sandwich.

    Z: Were they drifting ? Hard to do with a rate gyro.

    Actually, its easy to advance the urban legend about yawrates being different front, rear, left right, top and bottom because of many reason:...
  4. Yawn rate.

    Yawn rates decrease significantly as you move rearward in a moving bus, especially with comfy seats. Yaw rate however, stays the same unless you are in a trailer or unless your car body is made of...
  5. Arbitrary steer inputs to ChassisSim

    So, therefore, one could input a System's Engineering 'chirp' (time dependent frequency responce input), run the play, recover the appropriate data logger channels for steer, yaw velocity, roll...
  6. Back to basics ...

    Famous last words: "Say, that's not supposed to be moving. I did a kinematic analysis of the steering ...."
  7. Yep, that's pretty ugly

    Gee Doug, now I don't have to show and tell. The "Where have you been" remark pertains to a statement made previously that compliances have never been talked about in the industry or literature.
  8. Where have you been ?

    In case you didn't know, there was this paper: SAE(840561) "Typical Vehicle Parameters for Dynamic Studies: Revised for the 1980's" that gives good information about kinematic and compliance...
  9. That does not compute/

    Couple of comments from my direct experiences with all of this:

    Compiled Matlab is not 'compiled' in the traditional sense. It's processed for distribution to limit circulation of the libraries. ...
  10. Round Table Discussion

    I'm not a supporter of tabular data lookup for several reasons. Besides the inventory issue, tables introduce quite a few problems related to how they are generated, how they are loaded, how they...
  11. Transfer Function Generation and Appearence.

    Controls Engineers (and Vehicle Dynamics fishing addons recognize that it is NOT necessary to use a swept frequency steer input (often called a 'chirp') to generate adequate transfer functions for...
  12. Track Data Measurements

    Tim. A Datron optical sideslip sensor is the most widely used xducer in the U.S. field. I have seen the telltale Datron lamp beam on the pavement during races when such measurements are forbidden. ...
  13. Post-Process the FR Data

    Take the results from the chirp steer input to your model and process the Ay by steer and the Yaw Velocity by steer data to produce the transfer function summary in Bode form (Gain and Phase vs...
  14. A simple and elegant method for you to try.

    In deference to Doug Milliken's observation on my presence here, I will say that the best answer for you has to do with holding circus tents up and also famous Japanese WWII warplanes...

    I will...
  15. I'm obliged to tell you that your simple model...

    I'm obliged to tell you that your simple model equations are missig the 4 tire aligning moments. The net effect is a very large rigid body yaw moment as well as a likely understeering effect from...
Results 1 to 15 of 15