
Type: Posts; User: DougMilliken

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  1. Hi Geoff, Great to hear from you. Other than...

    Hi Geoff,

    Great to hear from you. Other than the ~0.5 meters of snow yesterday, things are fine here in Buffalo. Most of the students have moved to Reddit and there is also a relatively new page...
  2. Hi Geoff, OK here near Buffalo/Niagara, at...

    Hi Geoff,

    OK here near Buffalo/Niagara, at least so far...

    Your memory is good, I'd forgotten Toyota Corona. Drove a well-used example in the 1980s, lots of body roll & pitch, iirc (but...
  3. Geoff, Great to hear from you. When...


    Great to hear from you.

    When questions come in, I often send links to If the local search function lets me down, I use Google site search. For example, Google Image search...
  4. I always read/post here from a laptop. How well...

    I always read/post here from a laptop. How well does this site display on different kinds of phones?
Results 1 to 4 of 4