
Type: Posts; User: BillCobb

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  1. Smart App

    Several recent papers out there showing use of raw data from an Android phone (GPS, gyro, and ay) to calculate vehicle dynamics test values. Some may snicker because they can afford to use a $20,00...
  2. Ghost Buster

    It's a ghost town because so few members know what 'simulation' actually is. They confuse simulation with 'tools' . In that case, my best simulations here on the Farm are my Milwaukee battery...
  3. And the answer is: SYNTHESIS

    You would not pick the understeer as a target for a FSAE car. That would be a constraint, goal or target if you were designing a vehicle with large payload changes or anticipating forseeable misuse...
  4. Reality Check

    Take a look at what is probably more like a FSAE car:

    DF=2, DR=1

    DF=2, DR=2

    and DF=1, DR=2.

    Total wgt = 200 kg, distributions 40/60 and 50/50, wheelbase = 1600 mm, steering ratio...
  5. And the answer is ....

    "at the roadwheel" is a common oversimplification and may be the reason so many cars are mischaracterised and so many simulations come out wrong.
    You may be missing the compliance (or lack of) at...
  6. Simple Tests

    There are two simple tests ALWAYS run on mule or prototype cars headed for road tests:

    1) a 'Ride Toe' test. Do it on a wheel alignment machine if possible. Otherwise, measure each wheel on an...
  7. Chassis design specs.

    That's a very good question. Since FSAE cars don't run at break-neck speeds, one of the two principle advantages of an understeering car is the attenuation of steering gain with increasing speed....
  8. Simulation and Testing

    Thank you for that reference. I'll bite offand chew a few comments:

    1) There is relaxation data available on the TTC, AND an example of it processed posted by me, including it's use in simulations...
  9. Simulate what you can test and test what you can simulate

    To reinforce the notion of using simulation pre-construction, I stumbled into this paper from a few years back and though some members might want to take a stab at doing some get-real simulation...
Results 1 to 9 of 9