Not sure if they are tapered roller bearings, but Taylor Race have a lot of bearings (and other stuff) for FSAE size cars
Type: Posts; User: tim_pattinson
Not sure if they are tapered roller bearings, but Taylor Race have a lot of bearings (and other stuff) for FSAE size cars
Just a slight correction - BSPD is the hardware device which compares HV power and brake encoder and shuts off in a runaway motor situation.
Can't disable it through software by design and rules....
Looks like the USA has dumped the 300V rule... Will be interesting to see if any euro teams come over.
Direct link to rules
Link to announcement
PS. I am not part of the committe, just hoping to start a discussion
If you are looking to reduce the advantage 'top' teams have then I'd start somewhere else... Like removing loopholes in the Cost event (buying better carbon -> using less of it -> Better...
Preliminary results...
Rennteam (no suprises),TU Graz, Valencia (FSUPV), TuFast, ETS as top 5
GFR not making it out in time for endurance,...
How thick is the engine case? Aluminum or steel? Attach a magnet to the shifter barrel and a Hall sensor on the outside if ally.
Claude, Z:
Why did people stop using the forums?
Other people:
This is why.
You're wrong, and also an idiot.
Why would anyone bother to use the forums when a good proportion of threads degenerate into bashing of Indian, Australian, American (non-FSG/Austria) teams?
The above discussion is a perfect example...
Hi all,
Tim here from RMIT Electric Racing.
I am working on a simple point mass simulator in MATLAB using the 'critical points' method as described in Chris Patton's thesis (no yaw dynamics yet...
Some corrections from inside #E88.
There was no battery capacity issue, we used about 60%. The reason the car stopped was because the inverter tripped. (If the BMS tripped the driver would not...
There is a model available with internals. My team has it but without knowing where we got it I don't think I can upload it.
Try contacting Drexler.
Two weeks to go.
Registered teams:
Running teams (as indicated by social media):
Monash x2
You could always try to find the values with an experiment...
I have compiled the results from the website in Excel format if anyone is interested.
usually a pain in the ass as they are in pdf format, but a program called tabula converts the tables in...
I have to agree here. Irregardless of how AutoDrive, the SAE comp, is run. it's an invite-only event.
The end result is there are only eight teams registered, compared to 15 at FSG with two on the...
If you don't mind telling, is AMZ now running both hydraulic interconnected and magnetic controlled damping?
Care to post your OptimumLap files?
I'd be interested to add in a 2wd EV and aero IC car
If you don't want to give up the track files we can use this one:
How do you propose setting up this magic formula?
Historical data? - doubt it would be any use as I'd judge the skills of the team more important than their car concept.
A table of parts...
Here's an outline for the "OptimumLap Virtual FS Champion 2018"
Suspension - Whatever's light. It's not modeled anyway so it just needs to connect the tires to the chassis and have them somewhat...
Thanks Z,
Of course as part of an RMIT team (Electric) I've read Geoff's essay in full a couple of times. Sadly it seems to have disappeared from that thread though.
At the moment we're all going...
Answering my own question a bit...
Hi guys,
I know there's been a great deal of interesting discussion on this forum over the last decade or two. Anyone know of any old threads worth reading?
I submit the UTAS build thread as one:...
Here's a slightly less radical suggestion:
Each team's Design score is scaled by the percentage of dynamic events they finish. (DQs counted, but not DNFs.)
An exception can be made for teams that...