Questions and discussions about Skidpad, Acceleration, Autocross, and Endurance.
has anyone ever seen a tunnel structure underneath a car. as in a cylinder (however flattend). i dunno how to explain what im talking about well....
We actually drove our car for the first time today! No major problems, and we plan to drive it faster on Saturday.
Does anyone know if the lap times for autox and endurance will be posted online anywhere?
When designing the cars frame and especially the cock pit, are you expected to fit them to the "95th percentile male" that the rule book refers to? ...
Just wondering how many of the FSAE student autocross other than FSAE competitions? do you do it in your street car? I unfortunately missed out on...
I've been trying to find the specifics of the dynamic tests online, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I was wondering if somebody might be able to...
... anyone got an value of inertia of a formula student car in roll, pitch and yaw ??? thanks !
I'm wondering if anyone had any data on speeds seen in endurance and autoX events in detroit over the past couple of years. Thanks.
"If anyone is interested and in the area, the Salina KS SCCA is holding an FSAE challenge March 20 details can be found on the website...
I was looking at the scores for 2004 and only about 40 of the 134 teams actually scored in the endurance/fuel economy...why?! It seems like it would...
I'm sure anyone that was on this forum last year remembers there was some discussion about how the FSAE-A endurance race was scored. For this...
anyone got helpful information about "inertia and tilt test rig for Formula Student car" ? thanks !!!
Our team is interested in using the Road and Track test track setup fom the competition and a few questions came up about the way it was done at the...
Hi I would like to discuss how you drivers prepare yourself before driving, particularly the endurance event. I'm talking more specifically about...
I am wondering how much it costs to implement traction control, and if anyone has implemented something akin to Stabilitrak, where braking AND...
I'm just trying to work out exactly how the endurance events are structured at FSAE-A. I know there's 2 heats for endurance, unlike at the US event,...
For some of you more experienced autocrossers, would you say the fastest way around the course is with oversteer through the corners. I saw many of...
I was looking at the track map from ~1999 and was wondering if this information is given before the event, and if so how long before(at...
Did anyone datalog the FSAE-A endurance race distance? I'm curious to swap data or at least some numbers. Strictly for fuel economy calcs, I'd like...
What is the top speed reached in the acceleration run? My Formula Photos & Links
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