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Thread: The first FSAE Demo car chassis in Hong Kong

  1. #1
    because it is only a Demo, so the materiel is very casual, & the size a little bit big

  2. #2
    if one has the material laying around, i think it's a good idea to build a test chassis to check the proportions.

    a thing i noticed is your main roll hoop - as far as i interpreted the rules, the "uncut section" has to extend all the way to the lower frame bars and not to the upper ones?
    Formula Student Team Darmstadt - FaSTDa e.V.
    (Formula Student Germany)

  3. #3
    a thing i noticed is your main roll hoop - as far as i interpreted the rules, the "uncut section" has to extend all the way to the lower frame bars and not to the upper ones?

    because it still not finish

  4. #4
    The rear part of the frame will not be very stiff i guess ... its built out of rectangles, not triangles ...
    Tilman Schröder
    GETracing Dortmund, alumnus
    University of Technology Dortmund, Germany

  5. #5
    we will make some triangles next Monday

  6. #6
    i think its a great start , we made our first one out of pvc pipes we get for real cheap .
    crude but fast and effective , got the entire frame done in 2 hrs to get the idea of the real thing .
    Hiren G Patel

    FS – Orion Combustion (Founder Member)
    -------Prototype '06
    -------Powertrain Lead '06 '07 '08 '09
    -------Composites guy '10
    -------Technical Director '10
    -------Technial Advisor/Mentor '12

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Diablo_niterider:
    i think its a great start , we made our first one out of pvc pipes we get for real cheap .
    crude but fast and effective , got the entire frame done in 2 hrs to get the idea of the real thing .
    because it's not only a demo chassis, we will make a demo car with CB250 engine

  8. #8
    oh cool we did something similar to using a 150 cc engine , we made the car for the sole purpose of marketing and proving it to others who did not believe that we could do it , we built it with our own money , we spent just around $1600 for the entire thing of which a significant bit was for making it look good .
    after 2and a half years it still is in running condition

    best of luck to you guys ,

    Hiren G Patel

    FS – Orion Combustion (Founder Member)
    -------Prototype '06
    -------Powertrain Lead '06 '07 '08 '09
    -------Composites guy '10
    -------Technical Director '10
    -------Technial Advisor/Mentor '12

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Diablo_niterider:
    oh cool we did something similar to using a 150 cc engine , we made the car for the sole purpose of marketing and proving it to others who did not believe that we could do it , we built it with our own money , we spent just around $1600 for the entire thing of which a significant bit was for making it look good .
    after 2and a half years it still is in running condition

    best of luck to you guys ,

    150cc? @.@
    2T or 4T?
    how fast is it?

    we are worried about can cb250 move the car or not....

  10. #10

    Are there any FSAE teams in Hong Kong? Just wondering...
    Horace Lai

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