I chucked a couple of shifted TLLTD values through. Anything lower than about 50% TLLTD struggles to put power down at the higher speeds due to aero drag. A locked diff would help to power down, but as with a lot of things its implementation into my sim is on the horizon.
The Roll by Ay plot has been brought to life, but it also doesn't play too nicely with the given transfer function. It looks about right to me, so am I just completely missing something?
With the yaw velocity vs roll/Ay, I'm not too sure exactly how you can get a cross over point (at least with a FSAE car). When running at different speeds the roll by Ay plot doesn't really change much, but yaw velocity gain increases with speed. Unless I'm missing a unit conversion somewhere it seems like these two plots are a hop, skip and a jump away from being able to intersect. A guess at what you're getting at though is if a vehicle has its peak yaw velocity response at the same frequency (and magnitude) as its Roll by Ay, when driving over rough road/side wind gust/under acceleration (assuming torque steer is a player), these two effects will constructively interfere and make the vehicle get a progressively bigger and bigger tank slapper going on.