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Thread: Formula SAE West 2008 Competition: - Updates, Pictures, Stories, and More.

  1. #131
    Originally posted by MH:
    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by jonnierice:

    Oh a message to Miki from DUT...can I please have a copy of your photos from the awards ceremony. If anyone else has any, I would greatly appreciate them.
    I took the pictures with the camera of Michigan State, cause my batteries were gone. But with a bit of luck they will send them to me soon, so you can have them. Couldn't you shave a bit before the awards? It blackened the photo!

    See you in England!

    Miki Hegedus
    Delft University </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Excellent! It was suppose to be something the whole team signed up to i.e. the vikings arriving from Scandinavia, but it seemed I was the only one who did it in the end. I shaved it all off that night and Maria almost didn't know who I was when I stepped off the train in England! Looking forward to seeing what DUT have produced for FSUK, especially given what happened in East. See you there.
    Everthing you want is just outside your comfort zone!

  2. #132
    Originally posted by jonnierice:
    FSAE West differed from FSUK in good ways and bad.

    Tech inspection was fantastic, a far more relaxed (but still thorough) affair, unlike the crucifixtion experienced at FSUK. I think once a team has begun their inspection in the bay, it should continue until it is over and done with. FSUK is good in this respect.
    Ha! That's because you got me and Matt as your Tech inspectors.
    We've both been around FSAE for a while...

    The first day closes at 7pm and that's a little bit beyond our control but I don't think it's that bad.

    I've got a couple of Awards pics of your team. I'll send you an email.
    James Waltman
    VRI at WWU Alumn
    FSAE ˜01 to ˜05

  3. #133
    First I wanted to post up a link to some pictures. I will admit our photographer got mostly pictures of our car but there are some other team's cars in there. If you want any full resolution pictures (3888x2592@10.6Mpx), send me a message and I will e-mail them to you. If you want any pictures of our trip to Laguna beach *cough* lots of babes *cough* let me know and I will see what I can do!

    Hartford Motorsports CA 08

    Next, I have to add to the discussion of tech inspection and say that at least one of the tech inspectors did not know what he was talking about. He informed me that what I was telling him was "dumb" and that he's never heard of it before. The argument was based on the fact that he was telling us that we needed a check valve on our gas tank. I informed him that we are using a brand new gap off of a 2007 Honda Civic and that all gas caps for many years now have been MANDATED to be VENTED and CHECKED up to 20PSI. In fact, in the state of CT in order to pass emissions testing they first take your gas cap and pressure test it to make sure the check valve in it works so no fuel spills out in a roll over. After an informal protest to Micheal Royce he came over sucked on the gas cap which he was able to do and get a mouthful of gas vapor thus proving it was vented, and causing him to have to get a drink of water. He then blew into the gas cap showing that the check valve worked because he was unable to blow air back out. The tech inspector said nothing, did not apologize for insulting our team and walked away. He was not even our tech inspector, he was just walking by after checking someone else's car and decided to butt into our tech inspector's inspection. The actual inspector on our car was excellent, very knowledgeable and respectful giving feedback for potential rules for next year that our car may not comply with and demonstrated that he was honestly only there to make sure the car was safe and compliant with the rules, not to give people a hard time. Inspectors like this in my book are welcome at these events, but ones like the random guy with malicious intentions calling students dumb should not be allowed to work these events, this does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the event.

  4. #134
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Rochester NY

    Haha. Owned. The look on the students face with a partial smile like "WTF is this guy talking about?" is hilarious especially when it looks like the guy is scolding him.

  5. #135
    anybody else having problem with the links? I couldnt see any pictures in the link you guys gave. I disable my pop-up blocker, still no pictures. Is it just my computer?

  6. #136
    Little late, but finally got around to getting some of my better photos from West onto my flickr page. Slight bias towards University of Washington, but I got other teams in there as well.

    UWashington Drivetrain '07/08

  7. #137

  8. #138
    I sorted through and put up a few from west here:

    UMich-Dearborn '04-'06
    Carnegie Mellon '99-'03
    [url=http://eVileNgineering.com][b]eVil eNgineerin

  9. #139

  10. #140
    Our first outing at competition in recent history was disappointing for us, but huge thanks to the teams that helped us out! I believe it was Washington State that gave us two additional mufflers (and we needed all of them to pass sound), RPI sold us some rain tires, and Michigan State had some helpful advice for our brakes. That school in Tucson helped us a lot too, and it's a shame they couldn't sell the motorcycle. With the chop saw included I don't know who could have passed up on such a great deal.

    Brian Johnston
    Team Captain
    Arizona State University

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